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After spending 3 decades sitting at a desk in an office, I realized that my passion was elsewhere so I did something I’ve always wanted to… I became a personal trainer. After working in a gym for a while, I realized that the environment can be very intimidating to women – especially for those of us over 40. So I started my own company with hopes of providing a personal training service for women who realize that exercise is imperative as we grow older but don’t necessarily like it.

I’m not your typical trainer – thin or perfectly muscled. I struggle with my metabolism slowing down. I miss the body I had when I was 20, 30 even 40. But I embrace the body I have now and work harder because it’s all I have. Oh, and did I mention that I’ve had BOTH my hips replaced? So I understand the challenges associated with pain and/or simply getting older.

I’ve now been training for 6 years and I spend my days working with amazing women who want to keep healthy and maintain their strength, balance and posture. I focus on keeping things new and fresh and pushing my clients to their limit…and beyond. Every training session is geared to the individuals needs and every training session is filled with work, sweat and laughter.

Athletic Accomplishments:
Marine Corps Marathon
Boston-New York AIDS Ride
Philadelphia-DC AIDS Ride
Cherry Blossom 10-miler
Army 10-miler
Greeting of the Geese Duathlon
LaPlata Duathlon
Alexandria Turkey Trot

About Kim