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A personal trainer is an individual who educates and trains clients in the performance of safe and appropriate exercises which lead to optimal health.

OK… that’s the technical definition. What I do is simple. I come to you and provide a fun yet challenging workout in the comfort and privacy of your home. The goal of each session is to help you reach your fullest potential in an environment filled with motivation and positive reinforcement. We focus on warm-up exercises, stretching, strength training, core, balance and posture exercises and cardio. We use dumbbells, resistance bands, stability balls, bosu balls and/or any equipment you have or enjoy using.

Not only can personal training be fun, it also offer benefits in the prevention of many health related problems such: anxiety, arthritis, back pain, cancer, high cholesterol, depression, diabetes, fatigue, heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, memory problems, PMS, osteoporosis, and of course… weight problems.

In addition, menopause wrecks havoc on our bodies. Our metabolism slows down and therefore we gain unwanted weight in unwanted areas, we sleep less and become increasingly moody. And if I haven’t convinced you yet… how about exercise helps with hot flashes!!

So whether you want to lose a few (or several) pounds, work on your balance, do that first push-up or regulate your menopausal side-effects, I can help. Do it on your own or find a friend to train with. No more excuses. Take care of your body and take care of yourself.

One Hour Sessions: $70 - $80*
Partner Training: $40 - $55* (each)

*cost depends on location and travel time
arm curl